Brazil has really a really close and good relationship with japan since our empire, so, because of that, every year, they give a certain amount of opportunities to each state here, or province if you call that, the process is long and hardocre, but if you pass it all, you get it all paid, graduation, a salary, you can literally live there without working and just studying, and after finishing your graduation, you can choose to do a major.
And about to work, you can live with that money, but everyone says its good to get a job there and accelerate the proccess of getting an apartment.
At the end of it, you can get a citizenship.
All the people I met and did the proccess there, said that basically, all the time they had to live with other immigrants, as japanese are fake nice people, they have nowadays a treason culture, VERY fucked up, theres a reason why suicides there are a huge thing for their own people, imagine yourself, there, all alone…
I will still do the proccess, I have the capacity for it all, I even have an Italian citizenship too, but I wonder, how it all will be? I don't have any problems with solitude, it sadly can be a kind of a addictive thing.
See if there is any consulate of japan around there and this kind of connections, here its called MEXT.