(No hago este post para ofender, seria contenido potencial para /b/ pero se que Tolkien estaba cuerdo, pero supongamos un tal vez con autores random…)
''Carta 131 de J. R. R. Tolkien a Milton Waldman; 1951 , Pagina 2''
Of course, such an overweening purpose did not develop all at once. The mere stories were the thing. They arose in my mind as 'given' things, and as they came, separately, so too the links grew. An absorbing, though continually interrupted labour (especially since, even apart from the necessities of life, the mind would wing to the other pole and spend itself on the linguistics): yet always I had the sense of recording what was already 'there', somewhere: not of 'inventing'.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nIf_7JpxKO75O-FgUWY4MG2PdEJFn3pS/view¿y si Tolkien estaba alucinando y enrealidad no invento nada desde su imaginacion? ¿y si a lo mejor Tolkien termino teniendo experiencias inmersivas con su mundo de fantasia?…